Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Northbound thru the Eastern Family Islands

Mon & Tues, May 13th-14th
Fernandez Bay-Cat Island

We work our way north with a short sail to the sandy cove off the small resort called Fernandez Bay. Fast wifi allowed us to call(skype) the girls and catch up on all the news. On Tues afternoon we were joined by another sailboat Dreamtime, the first we've seen in days and it happens they were a group of medical people from near our northern home (Saranac Lake). We met later in the resorts lounge and enjoyed an evening of live music and drinks from the self serve honor system bar.

Wed-Thurs, Bennetts Harbor

After settling  up our bar tab we made a stop at Smith Bay for water and a few veggies then enjoyed a great sail under reefed sails to anchor off of Bennetts Harbor. Walked around town and enjoyed a few beers at a little roadside stand called Yannies.

Fri, Half Moon Cay

Another great sailing day as we made our way west to Little San Salvador (aka Half moon Cay). Caught a number of fish along the way keeping only one large Jack as  our freezer is already full of fish.  Spent the afternoon on the beautiful beach along with a little snorkeling. This Island is owned by the Carnival Cruise line and is a day stop for many ships. Thankfully we had the place as our private resort but a ship is due in early morning so we weren't allowed to anchor in the preferred spot and spent a rolly night with swells rocking us to sleep(or not!).
dolphins escorting us into Half Moon Bay

Sat, Plum Creek Eleuthra

Off early as a cruise ship disembarked hoards of beachgoers via large tenders. Decided that another night of rolling around was out of the question so we sailed north for Eleuthra. A great sail with some fun fishing. While bringing  a small fish alongside I noticed it's tail was gone and right behind it was a big Mahi. Let the line out and watched as the Mahi grabbed the fish  and took off. Unfortunately it was a quick fight as he got off but was exciting to watch in these christal clear waters. Anchored in shallow Plum Creek and explored the creeks upper reaches by dingy.

Sun, Bush Cay, Exuma

Another change of plans as we are due for some stormy weather in a couple of days and have been having noises from out engines transmission that have had me concerned. The area we are traveling is very remote with no marine services. Our normal track would have taken us north thru Eleuthra but the we would have to pass thru Current Cut which as it's name implies is a narrow channel with very swift currents. Not something I wanted to attempt without a reliable engine. Thus we decided to cross west to northern Exuma and then head north thru an easier passage. 
   After an exhilarating sail across the 30 miles of Exuma Sound with large rolling seas on our stern we anchored in the lee of tiny Bush Cay. We knew we were in for a bouncy night as the island didn't give us much protection from the seas  but the only good anchorage would have taken us 6 mi out of our way to the south.

Mon thru Wed, Spanish Wells, Eleuthra

Anchor up at 7 and off sailing north under reefed main and small jib. Covered the 50 miles in record time keeping our speed over 6.5 kts all day. A little unnerving in one section as we dodged coral heads then passed thru a 5 mile stretch of 6 ft deep water over pure white sand. A rising tide and having passed thru this area previous years probably gave me undeserved confidence. Arrived in Spanish Wells by 3 pm and picked up a mooring planning to ride out the upcoming storms in this protected harbor. Hoped to find a mechanic to look at our gearbox here but after a walk to the supposed Yanmar dealer (pinders garage) I was discouraged by what I found.
    Tue- With fast wifi I was able to find a lot of info on our gearbox and it appears a slipping clutch caused by glazing is a common problem. I pulled the gearbox, and after draining and inspecting the spotless internals as far as I could go without a gearpuller I found I could adjust the foreward clutch engagement slightly. Back together and seems better but to stormy today to take out for trials.
    Wed- Thunder storms with torrential rains all night and most of the day have us holed up in the boat. This is the first real heavy rain this trip and I collected water to fill our tanks.

Spanish Wells Harbor

Thurs- Royal Island
With the weather expected to improve by tomorrow we move to the anchorage at Royal to be ready to cross to Abacoe. Still a few storms around but a much nicer day. Transmission seems ok at least for the 6 mile run here.

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