Friday, February 6, 2009

Marathon, Boot key Harbor

Friday Feb 6

Still anchored in Marathon for 2 weeks now. Our plan had been to stay for possibly a week, but when on Keys time there seems to be no reason to rush. The real reason we are still here is the wind has been howling out of the north for the past week. One night as a cold front passed thru we had a storm with winds clocked at over 60 knots. Thankfully it didn't last long and we were in a protected Anchorage where the waves don't get a chance to build. The land here is so flat and the trees are very short, mostly mangroves, so not much protection from the wind. Much of the time the wind has been around 20kts or higher. Not great for heading out to anchorages we aren't familiar with.

We have moved and are now anchored in the main harbor a long ways from the city marina where we can land our dingy, this isn't as convenient but where we were last week we kept bumping things on the bottom. We were in only 7 ft of water and there numerous sunken boats and other junk from past hurricanes that were never removed.

The weather has been sunny but very cool this week. Yesterdays low was 42 with a high of only 56. We did have a few hot days at the beach last week and temps are scheduled to be back to upper 70's this weekend. Mostly good weather for biking about seeing the sights.

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