Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hanging around the Central Exumas

Jacks Cove

Cove on Sound side, Jacks Cove

Anchored at White Point

Another great beach-White Point

Mon thru Thurs April 25th - 28th

As the trade winds howl we find ourselves wandering about on the protected Exuma Bank. As I mentioned earlier our goal was to get to Georgetown for race week but the vageries of the weather control our movements. We have spent time at Little Farmers Cay where we hiked and explored the cave on Great Guana. A few days at Black Point, White Point, and Jacks Cove all gave us some great time exploring on the beaches and on the Sound.

The winds have lessened and we headed out on the sound to work our way south. The swells were reasonable but taking the wind on the nose we motorsailed much of the way. Trolled 2 lines but not even a bite. Picked up a mooring in late afternoon at the Carribean Research Center on Lee Stocking Island. Hiked around for a bit then a quiet night in their protected cove. Able to pick up their wifi to catch up on weather and mail.

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