Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back across the Gulf Stream to Florida

Mon June 14th- Sunny and hot. Light winds found us motoring much of the way to Allens-Pensacola Cay where we anchored mid afternoon. Storms around much of the afternoon but we managed to avoid them. After Chris dove to check anchor I was set to dive in when I spotted a 6 ft shark lying on bottom just below swim platform. Needless to say a shower sufficed until later when a quick swim was in order.

Tues- Sunny and hot again, no wind so we motored to Great Sale Cay. Dinner aboard our buddy boat Integrity with Jane. Slept under the stars in cockpit. Very warm in boat. The water is 87 degrees so the boat doesn’t cool down much at night.

Wed- Sunny and hot again, thunderstorms around. Motor sail to Memory Rock arriving at 5 pm. Anchor in 8 ft of water with no land in sight. Another hot night spent sleeping in cockpit.

Thurs- Off at 7 AM for our gulf stream crossing. Sunny skies and calm winds made the crossing to Fl an easy one even if it was a bit boring. Caught 2 barracudas and a jack along the way. As we arrived at St Lucy Inlet storms over land had us on edge for a bit but we managed to make it to our old dock in Jensen by 7:30pm. A great trip has come to an end having logged 1200KM (1380 statute miles) with no major problems.

Nassau and north


Wed June 2nd - Sail downwind wing/wing 38 sm to Nassau. Arrived late afternoon and after checking out the busy harbor decided to anchor at east end past cruise ship dock off of town beach

Thurs - We hadn’t planned on stopping in Nassau as considered it just another busy city but I must say we have enjoyed our stay here. Being able to spend a few days exploring lets you get a different perspective than when here for a day on a cruise ship.

Fri- Bahama Labor Day, Attended a local festival in the park next to our anchorage. All kinds of Bahamian foods, beers and a Junkanoo parade. Summer is here with lots of colorful trees in bloom and temps in the 90’s .

Sat- Another hot day and the beach is full of partiers. This is the first day we have stayed on the boat and I must say it’s time to find a quieter spot. Lots to see with the huge Cruise ships coming in right next to us. There have been 6 ships in port most days and downtown is very busy.

Back to Eleuthra

Sun- Had planned on an early start but had to wait on cruise ships before we were allowed to leave the harbor. Was another hot sunny day but light winds had us motoring most of the 36 st mi. to Royal Island, Eleuthra. Picked up one of the free moorings for a secure night even though there were storms all around.

Mon- spent most of the day lounging under the sun awning and swimming in the 86 deg water. The only problem with the water being this warm is that the boat doesn’t cool down much at night. The wind scoop and fan help but it has been very warm sleeping.

Tues- to Spanish wells for groceries and propane, we had planned on staying on a mooring in the harbor but was a warm spot and water wasn’t clean enough for swimming so it was back to Royal Island for the evening.

North to Abacoe

Wed June 9th-Off at 7AM for the 60 st mile trip north across the Providence Channel. Predicted winds never materialized and we motor sailed most of the way. Anchored at Lynyard Cay by 5 PM. Another very warm night. We now find ourselves looking for . anchorages where we get a good breeze as opposed to most of the trip where we were looking for protection from the winds.

Thurs- Back to Marsh Harbor dodging thunder storms much of the afternoon.

Fri- After a quick trip to town for fresh veggies we sailed north to Treasure Cay stopping at water Cay to wait out one of the many t-storms that passed thru. Apparently this is a fairly normal summer weather pattern but what we find difficult is judging the path of these storms as they seem to move very erratically and pop up quickly.

Sat- Another hot sunny morning and we headed out early to get ahead of the afternoon storms. The ocean passage thru the Whale was like glass and as we neared Green Turtle Cay we decided to stop and visit our friends at Donnies to avoid yet another blossoming storm. Spent a hot night on mooring in Black sound after a walk to town for conk fritters and beer then a swim on the beach.

Sun- Motor the short way north to Manjack Cay, where we spent a warm afternoon swimming and lounging under the sun shade watching storms build.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Time to point our bow northward

Wed May 26th- Started our way back north with plans to see some of the cays we missed on the way south. Our first stop was Musha Cay which is a posh resort owned by David Copperfield. Beautiful protected anchorage where we enjoyed dinner of fresh caught Spanish Mackeral.

Thurs-On to Little Farmers where we explored the cave on Great guana Cay. Apparently some more adventurious souls snorkle here with lights, but we weren't up to that much adventure.

Fri-Sunny and hot, motored to Staniel Cay where we enjoyed some fantastic snorkeling in the Thunderball Grotto. This is the cave where the James Bond movie was made. Chris amazed herself by actually entering the cave after saying "you expect me to swim into there?" Anchored off Big Majors where we fed the resident swimming pigs.

Sat-great sail to Cambridge Cay where we snorkeled in the fantastic Elkhorn coral reefs. We are back in Exuma Park and these reefs abound with colorful fish and some huge lobster.

Sun- After a quick stop to snorkle the sea aquarium on O'briens Cay we had a great sail to Wardrick Wells where we picked up a park mooring.

Mon-Memorial Day- Great sail to Hawksbill Cay where we once again picked up a park mooring. Hiked around in the afternoon. Temps have been in the hi 80's with water about 83. Quite a change from the holiday weather up north.

Tues-Started the day anchoring at a plane wreck on Normans Cay with plans to snorkle there but the current was running stronger than we felt safe in. Rather than wait for slack tide we took advantage of fair winds for a great sail to Allens Cay. This island group is known for it's resident iguanas that come out in force to be fed when you approach.