Mon June 14th- Sunny and hot. Light winds found us motoring much of the way to Allens-Pensacola Cay where we anchored mid afternoon. Storms around much of the afternoon but we managed to avoid them. After Chris dove to check anchor I was set to dive in when I spotted a 6 ft shark lying on bottom just below swim platform. Needless to say a shower sufficed until later when a quick swim was in order.
Tues- Sunny and hot again, no wind so we motored to Great Sale Cay. Dinner aboard our buddy boat Integrity with Jane. Slept under the stars in cockpit. Very warm in boat. The water is 87 degrees so the boat doesn’t cool down much at night.
Wed- Sunny and hot again, thunderstorms around. Motor sail to Memory Rock arriving at 5 pm. Anchor in 8 ft of water with no land in sight. Another hot night spent sleeping in cockpit.
Thurs- Off at 7 AM for our gulf stream crossing. Sunny skies and calm winds made the crossing to Fl an easy one even if it was a bit boring. Caught 2 barracudas and a jack along the way. As we arrived at St Lucy Inlet storms over land had us on edge for a bit but we managed to make it to our old dock in Jensen by 7:30pm. A great trip has come to an end having logged 1200KM (1380 statute miles) with no major problems.